About Us

It's Always Family Business Around Here

My name is Joseph G Word, the C.E.O. of Lafamila Records that was initially conceived in 1999.  Between 1999 and 2022 I worked to develop my craft as an artist and focused on learning the necessary business skills.  As of December 2006 Lafamila record received all tax forms and legal paperwork necessary to take the business to the next level and move into the music industry.  

Meet the Family

Adult Contemporary music and music related products are what Lafamila is bringing to the forefront. Lafamila brings forward a new, more positive message regarding the changes that need to be made in the African-American community as we move forward into the future.  The popular videos have a tendency to represent the abuse of money, the objectification of our women and men of color and have no respect for our ancestral history.  These videos show reckless behavior and demonstrate a general lack of responsibility.  Lafamila will bring more forward thinking into focus for our young people by giving them more positive options.

Our target audience is males and females between the ages of 17 and 55. Our reason for this age demographics is because this age group is the largest consumer of Adult Contemporary music. We plan to reach our target audience with this type of music.  Lafamila will portray a more positive role model for young people through community outreach programs, talent competitions, and public forums.

The goal is to develop ideas that will be utilize  in producing a positive and profitable produce which meet the demand of the Adult Contemporary market. Lafamila Records, is dedicated to developing positive images of African-American’s instead of the reckless performances that is being portrayed by some establish artists.

In the last twenty years, the Adult Contemporary music market as well as the black music industry has been recycling older and non-positive stereotypes in relationship to producing and marketing quality music.  With today’s technology, people are able to find large varieties of music as well as musical outlets faster than ever before.  So Lafamila Records will assure that the products we make available depict positive role models for young people.  At Lafamila, we will follow some of the promotional and marketing models of some of our competitors, like Bad Boy records and Grand hustle records.  For example, Lafamila Records will utilize the marketing techniques of traditional and grass-roots action such as papering neighborhoods with fliers and publishing articles in popular national and local magazines. Internet apps  Unlike our competitors, Lafamila will sponsor and organize community outreach programs, such as talent competitions, educational workshops, and open forum events.  These programs will target youth, adults, families, and communities of color. Lafamila Records has performed for live audiences to gain an understanding for what types of product our demographic is seeking. Lafamila Records will utilize many and maintain a variety of promotional tools to distribute our produce.  These will include but are not limited to the use of the Internet, I-pod, V-casting, cell phones applications, movies theaters advertisements, television commercials, magazines spots, roadside billboards, neighborhood papering, posters, radio spots, product placement, community sponsorships and live performances.


Gabe Williams, (also known as GEE DUBB BEASTO) artist, writer, producer.  For over thirteen years he has been performing and showcasing his talent all over the country has opened up shows for artist such as twista from Chicago Illinois 

0ver the past two decades I have watched the progression of the adult contemporary music industry.  I have observed the creative musicianship of the Motown era be abandoned by many of today’s artists.  The artistry and showmanship of past decades has been overtaken by unprofessional musicians, portraying and uplifting false images.  Lafamila will uphold standards of true showmanship while portraying positive role models for today’s youth.

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